


Babara Ngum

  • Login: Babara
  • Registered on: 07/24/2023
  • Last connection: 09/18/2023


open closed Total
Assigned issues 11 0 11
Reported issues 13 0 13


Project Roles Registered on
TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Reporter 07/24/2023



03:27 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1709: Retention Tracking to maintain positive trend.
- Call center to track pending potential IITs, IITs and LTFU. the return rate is actually slow. Aps are called to int... Babara Ngum
03:27 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 6.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1709 (New): Retention Tracking to maintain positive trend.)
Retention follow-up and CQI, Babara Ngum


12:48 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1710 (New): High viral load monitoring and retention APS registers checking for proper documentation and mentoring on gaps identified
At CMA Elig-Essono, APS still feels reluctant to use the tracking tool despite all the coaching methods given.
Out ...
Babara Ngum
10:44 AM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1709 (New): Retention Tracking to maintain positive trend.
Started with our weekly retention group calls at CHUY for the month of September.
In the month of August, we recorde...
Babara Ngum


02:10 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #1696 (New): Viral load monitoring and group calls.
- Viral load reminder calls for collection.
- out of 91 eligibles for the month last week they were able to bypass ...
Babara Ngum
12:24 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 4: PMTCT services #1695 (New): narrative for PMTCT viral load GU journal
Prepared viral load narrative for the PMTCT journal to be published by GU. Submitted waiting for any feedback from th... Babara Ngum
12:14 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 10: Strength. Operations #1694 (New): prepare finance sheets for expense report for CMA-Elig-Essono
Completed finance sheets to be reconciled at GU with finance clerks. Left for GU to reconcile site budget. Babara Ngum


04:12 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #1595 (New): Pediatric Center of excellence/ICT Pediatric surge testing
> Started with the AHD/TB session for week 3.
- Pre-test and debriefing on TB/ AHD was done by Dr Olivia and a brie...
Babara Ngum
04:08 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1560: Pediatric center of excellence
Concluded with the post test for retention/support group/Adolescent club.
Overall performance was good.
one role p...
Babara Ngum
04:08 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 2.00 hours (Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1560 (New): Pediatric center of excellence)
Pediatric center of excellence Babara Ngum

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